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For years, Brigham Young University and the LDS Church have banned beards. BYU students who grow beards may not take tests, or attend classes. LDS men who grow beards may not work in LDS temples or be Bishops. LDS men who grow beards may not be employed by the church. LDS missionaries who grow a beard will be sent home.

The policy has never been explained. Yet, many of the most revered figures in Mormonism are bearded. Brigham Young, Jesus Christ, and many others are celebrated and depicted with full beard.

It is time to let our voices be heard. Bring back the beard!

If you agree, leave a comment!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Brett Keisel

Brett Keisel made the Pro Bowl this year and will be playing in the Super Bowl. He has had a great career, and is now being noticed for his awesome beard. He played his college ball at BYU. He has not been invited back or used for any promotional materials the way Chad Lewis and others were. Is it because he has a beard?


  1. I'm a BYU student and have had a beard for 3 years. I was on the BYU Student Advisory Council for 3 semesters - with a beard. (Including meeting Pres. Samuelson!) My picture is still up on the wall in the Wilkinson Student Center (with a beard).

    Furthermore, my dad had a beard for about 5 years as a bishop in Virginia (he was released last summer). In the beginning when the stake president asked him to shave he said, "It's not in the church handbook and it's not in the scriptures. Therefore, your stewardship doesn't apply to my face."

  2. Maybe this is why... written by my high school student in Virginia, a la The Onion, a satirical newspaper.

