About Us:

For years, Brigham Young University and the LDS Church have banned beards. BYU students who grow beards may not take tests, or attend classes. LDS men who grow beards may not work in LDS temples or be Bishops. LDS men who grow beards may not be employed by the church. LDS missionaries who grow a beard will be sent home.

The policy has never been explained. Yet, many of the most revered figures in Mormonism are bearded. Brigham Young, Jesus Christ, and many others are celebrated and depicted with full beard.

It is time to let our voices be heard. Bring back the beard!

If you agree, leave a comment!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

The issue goes Big Time

The big guns come out. Andrew Sullivan, Beard expert, weighs in on BYU and beards.



  1. I have had a mustache for almost 30 years now and a beard for almost that long. I began wearing them immediately after my mission. My face looks better with a beard (now more of a goatee) and my wife would absolutely be depressed if I shaved either of them off. I never really gave my facial hair any thought over the years as I served in various capacities within the church, but when I was called to be in a bishopric I was approached immediately by a member from a ward that used the same building and he stated that, "Surely you'll be shaving all that off now, right?" I asked him why he thought I should do that and he replied that it was necessary now that I was in a highly visible calling. I didn't mean to be rude, but I pointed out to him that hanging in the stake meeting room right behind us were pictures of all the latter-day prophets and that more of them than not were wearing beards. It was so funny to watch his face because that fact had never once entered his mind. I also suspect that even after many years in the YM's program and serving in multiple stake YM's presidencies, that my facial hair may have had something to do with never being extended a calling to serve as the president. I certainly didn't covet the position, I'm not at all that way, but because almost all of the previous presidents were called from serving as a counselor of a sitting presidency it made me wonder. Finally, I recently took it upon myself to Photoshop a popular picture of Jesus that would bring him into compliance with current "church standards". It was done very tastefully, with a suit & tie, short hair, and no facial hair. What was absolutely hilarious was how many people told me they thought the picture looked kinda familiar, but they couldn't recognize the subject until I told them who it was. Interesting, huh...if he chose to come in the appearance most familiar to all of us he wouldn't be allowed to work in the temple.

  2. I liked the content on this site. Would like to visit again.

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